Saturday, April 14, 2012

21st Century Abolition Meeting

Today's meeting was powerful! 

Many came out to share and be a part of the growing movement to eradicate human trafficking. We had prolific speakers.  One young sister gave a Powerpoint presentation that got right to the heart of the issue - giving us a statistical informational view of just how deeply the human trafficking pandemic is entrenched, and just where our nation and the world stands in fighting it. 

The numbers are staggering.  We know that the conservative estimate is 70% of the victims are female and 50% are children.  We know that the average age is now 14 years old, and the victims can be as young as 10 years old.  Possibly younger. We know that the human trafficker is often known by the victim.  We know that there is a high level of coercion and mind manipulation.  The language used by the perpetrators often obscures the vicious reality of the crime, even to the victim.  She often doesn't even understand what's happening to her.

The 21st Century Abolitionists are attacking this slavery on many fronts.  They are going out and snatching the children right off the streets and whisking them to safety.  Some are creating safe havens for young mothers and children, some are working to help them overcome drug addictions and self esteem issues.  Some of these modern day Harriet Tubmans are becoming the surrogate parents of a few at a time - loving and supporting them throughout their teen years. Others fight to educate and empower in order to prevent.  It's quality over quantity in many instances; its a supporting hand up towards self sufficiency for a period of time; it's shouting in the urban wilderness to let everybody know that slavery is truly happening; it's spiritual and Godly support and teaching; it's attacking the problem from every conceivable angle!

There are numerous facts and statistics that delineate this heartbreaking practice of human trafficking.  But thank God there is a fast growing number of Abolitionists stepping up to the plate and doing the work necessary to fight against it.  The A.T. Streets Disciples Ministry is becoming the information hub in the Bay Area. We are helping to connect the dots by forging alliances with all who are working - whether quietly or loudly and fiercely in their chosen places.  Our aim is to chip away at this boulder of social sickness until it finally cracks and crumbles into dust.  

We are working to be that light shining in the darkness. We are also working to connect with and support our comrades who are doing this work.  The work belongs to God who is bringing the victory.  And each time freedom is won, we cross back into slavery to free even more from bondage.  We Modern Day Abolitionists quietly lead God's precious people along the New Underground Railroad, away from the kingdom of darkness and towards the Light and True Freedom.

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