Friday, July 27, 2012

Allen Temple's Pulpit is Getting a Facelift!!

Allen Temple Baptist Church in Oakland Ca.  We're almost finished with the upgrade to the sanctuary pulpit.  It has been expanded with steps all around and a much larger stage area.  It's looking good so far, but the true test will be when everything is cleaned and finished!  I'll bring more photos at that time.  Blessings!

Wheelchair accessible!  Woohoo!

It's so beautiful!

Sister Mattie getting ready to work!

Dedicated members working hard

The brothers hard at work

cleaning the doors to the sanctuary

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Learn To Be a Youth Mentor Through MISSSEY!!

MISSEY Logo No Circle
Valued Partners of Allen Temple: Become a Youth Mentor Through MISSSEY!!
Girls Mentoring
Save the Date! MISSSEY's Second Round of Mentor Recruitment is Starting!
Come Out to the Info Session for our Lasting Links Mentorship Program on Thursday, July 26th from 6:30-8:30pm to be held at Allen Temple, 8501 International Boulevard Oakland, California 94621!

The Lasting Links Mentorship Program aims to address the unmet and special needs of both child victims of commercial sexual exploitation and children at risk of exploitation by offering group and individual mentorship that will help mentees to form healthy relationships with adult role models. For more information on what being a mentor entails, please plan on attending our next Lasting Links Mentorship Information Session on Thursday July 26th!

The Lasting Links Collaborative includes:

Oakland, CA 94612
510.251.2070 [Office]
866.585.7819 [Fax]

Lasting Links Mentorship
After much anticipation, this month MISSSEY will hold our second info session on how to become a mentor to youth in need of support through the Lasting Links Mentorship Program!

Lasting Links is a unique collaborative of key youth-serving agencies that will facilitate group and individual mentoring services for Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) and youth at high risk for becoming CSEC. Through the power of mentoring, Lasting Links will help to restore and recover lives and provide outreach and prevention efforts for at-risk youth...and our close partners, including our deeply valued allies at Allen Temple, are our first pick for mentors!

Why It's So Cool?

A critical piece to healing and empowering youth who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation is facilitating positive relationships with caring, responsible and consistent adults. The mentorship experience will be one of growth-promoting love and learning for both mentors and mentees.

Additionally, this is MISSSEY's first time reaching out and extending our services to youth who are at-risk. Previously MISSSEY has only served children who have already gone through the abuse of commercial sexual exploitation. While MISSSEY will always remain 100% dedicated to serving victims of CSE, by extending services to include at-risk youth, we are stepping up our efforts to focus on prevention. That means, by participating as a mentor, you may actually be able to help Stop CSE Before it Occurs!

And last but not least MISSSEY is offering the opportunity to mentor a youth through our program to our beloved allies first! We are doing targeted outreach to our close community partners and volunteers because we have every bit of confidence in your abilities to make a positive difference in the lives of our youth!

MISSSEY is currently looking for mentors who possess:
  • The willingness and ability to commit to a long-term mentorship
  • An empathetic and non-judgmental attitude towards CSEC and at-risk youth
  • The willingness and ability to attend required CSEC and mentoring trainings (to be explained in more detail at the info session)
  • The willingness and ability to be a positive influence and role model for youth
If interested, please RSVP to the Lasting Links Mentorship Information Session set for July 26th from 6:30-8:30pm, location TBA (location in Oakland, address provided upon RSVP)! To RSVP, simply respond to this email or email with "RSVP Info Session" as the subject line!
Also note that the subsequent Intensive Mentor Training Sessions will be held the following week on Friday 8/3, 5:30-8:30pm, and Saturday 8/4 and Sunday 8/5, 10:00am-6:00pm! Please hold these dates as well!
All are invited!

Much Love,


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MISSSEY Inc. | 436 14th Street | Suite 1201 | Oakland | CA | 94612

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Abuse and the Miracle of Recovery

by Joyce Meyer
During my childhood I was abused sexually, emotionally, verbally and physically. Many of you have also been abused, or you deal with someone in your life who comes from an abusive, dysfunctional background
What does abuse mean? It means "to misuse, to use improperly, to use up or to injure by maltreatment." The effects of abuse can be devastating and long-lasting. Many people never recover from it. Let me give you a brief definition of the four types of abuse.
Sexual abuse: considered to be the most degrading and offensive; consists of rape, molestation, incest, exhibitionism, voyeurism and obscene phone calls.
Emotional abuse: consists of withholding attention, loving touches and words of acceptance. Love is only given based on acceptable performance. Abandonment is a type of emotional abuse and can occur when one or both parents leave the child physically or mentally. Adults can also experience abandonment if important people in their lives leave suddenly or violently.
Verbal abuse: can be overt or covert. Overt: aggressive, angry words that say you're flawed or unacceptable. Covert: loving words of acceptance that help you develop properly are withheld.
Physical abuse: consists of beatings, unfair discipline, being locked in closets or dark rooms and withholding food.

Although I appeared to function normally in society, I had multiple inward problems and complicated personality disorders. There were several things going on in me at the time that prevented me from receiving and experiencing the righteousness, peace and joy of God's kingdom (see Romans 14:17). But Jesus came so that we could have and enjoy kingdom living.
I was bitter about my past and had a chip on my shoulder, which caused me to have the attitude that everyone owed me preferential treatment. I was full of self-pity, especially if things didn't go my way. I was controlling, manipulative, fearful, insecure and harsh. I was just plain hard to get along with and often downright obnoxious. I was judgmental, suspicious and very negative. I experienced a lot of guilt and condemnation. I had a shame-based nature; therefore, everything I attempted was poisoned. Since I didn’t like who I was, I spent many years trying to be like someone else. I'm sure you get the picture—I was quite a mess!
Now, what I'm getting ready to say is important. I was born again and actively involved in church life. We attended church regularly and did church work. Our lives revolved around the church, but I was not getting victory over my problems. In fact, the really sad part was that I didn't even understand that I had a problem. I thought everyone else had a problem and that if they would change, I would be happy.
In 1976, I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8 speaks of receiving God's power to be His witnesses. Notice it does not say to do witnessing but to be witnesses. The Bible says we are to be living epistles and read by all men (see 2 Corinthians 3:2), light in a dark world, and the salt of the earth (see Matthew 5:13-14). Doing is a different thing than being. I had my outside polished up, but my inner life was a wreck. Quite often the inner turmoil exploded, and then everybody could see I wasn't quite what I appeared to be.
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit in my life gave me a real love for God's Word and an ability to understand it like never before. Second Corinthians 3:18 says looking into the Word of God is like looking into a mirror which transforms us into His image from glory to glory. I have been changing ever since. I have changed and changed and changed. And I'm still changing! Most of those problems are completely gone, and the rest only flare up occasionally. I even look different—younger, happier, more peaceful.
Second Corinthians 5:17 says that if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away; and all things are made new. But that really doesn't mean everything from the past just vanishes. The Amplified Bible brings it out this way: Behold, the fresh and new has come! In other words, without Jesus there is no hope for newness of life. The past always affects the future without the power of God to overcome it. But even with Jesus, we are not automatically free from the past. When the fresh and new comes, there is opportunity to be free. But we must give the Word of God an exalted place in our lives. We must face the truth as it is revealed to us in His Word, and then the truth will set us free as it is acted upon.
I want to encourage you to keep pressing on! Philippians 1:6 says that He who has begun a good work in you is able to bring it to completion. You will keep changing if you stay in God's Word and keep looking to Jesus, who is the author and the finisher of your faith (see Hebrews 12:2). Now I am enjoying the kingdom living of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. And no matter what you've experienced in your past or how many problems you have, God will do a miracle for you! He will change you into the image of Jesus Christ and give you a new life worth living!

This article is taken from Joyce's DVD teaching, Trusting God When You Don't Understand.


    Tuesday, July 24, 2012

    Legal Needs of Human Trafficking Survivors - Polaris Project

    Legal Needs of Human Trafficking Survivors | Polaris Project

    Polaris Project | National Human Trafficking Resource Center | 1-888-373-7888 | © Copyright Polaris Project, 2012. All Rights Reserved This publication was made possible in part through Grant Number 90XR0012/02 from the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Division, Office of Refugee Resettlement, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Anti- Trafficking in Persons Division, Office of Refugee Resettlement, or HHS.

    Legal Needs of Human Trafficking Survivors

    This document provides a list of legal and related issues that may affect human trafficking survivors. Legal providers should be aware of these diverse needs and develop plans to help survivors address them. This list is not meant to be comprehensive, but rather a starting point for understanding the issues faced by survivors of trafficking. Underlined items are designated by Polaris Project Client Services as of particular interest to US Citizen survivors requiring legal assistance.

    Family Law
    1. Custody and visitation
    2. Divorce
    3. Securing access to child support
    4. Child abduction/concealment
    5. Child abuse and neglect
    6. Domestic violence
    7. Orders of protection/restraining orders

    1. Access to public benefits (Medicaid, Medicare, SSI, State-level benefits)
    2. Access to crime victim compensation
    3. Certification or letter of eligibility*
    4. Assistance vacating convictions (e.g., for prostitution) that complicate eligibility for benefits

    *May also fall under immigration-related needs.

    1. Back wages
    2. Occupational safety and health violations
    3. Sexual harassment or discrimination
    4. Equal employment opportunity violations
    5. Unemployment benefits

    Criminal Justice Advocacy

         1. Advocacy within criminal justice system for victims of crime
         2. Legal representation for survivors who are incarcerated
         3. Representing trafficking victims as defendants charged with prostitution and related crimes
         4. Vacating prostitution-related convictions

    Civil Litigation
    1. Various tort claims against traffickers, those who aid and abet trafficking
    2. Civil damages
    3. Restitution


    1.  Access to public or subsidized housing
    2.   If in public housing, negotiating transferring to a safer facility
    3.  Negotiating with a private landlord to change leasing arrangements

    Legal Needs of Survivors of Trafficking | Polaris Project

    Polaris Project

    | National Human Trafficking Resource Center | 1-888-373-7888 | © Copyright Polaris Project, 2012. All Rights Reserved

    1. T-Visa, U-Visa or VAWA Self-Petition
    2. Adjustment to permanent resident status
    3. Derivative visa for family members
    4. Asylum
    5. Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (also Child-Specific)

    1. Court-Appointed Special Advocate or Guardian ad Litem
    2. Use of Safe Harbor laws
    3. Emancipation or Advocacy within Child Welfare System (for minors exploited by a parent or guardian)


    1. Tax exemption for criminal restitution
    2. Tax exemption for civil damage awards

    Class Actions
    1.  Relief for similarly situated victims

    Domestic Violence Response Team - LA Casa de las Madres

    Service Spotlight: Domestic Violence Response Team


    Following an incident of domestic violence, a survivor may feel unsure of where to turn or whether help is available. La Casa’s Domestic Violence Response Team (DVRT), in partnership with the San Francisco Police Department, helps ensure that survivors can quickly access supportive and potentially life-saving services. After the SFPD has been called to an incident of domestic violence, La Casa’s trained advocates are able to reach out to the survivor and offer skilled domestic violence services—confidential, free of charge, multilingual, and entirely voluntary—which survivors accept over 70% of the time.
    La Casa’s DVRT advocates, who work alongside inspectors in the Special Victims Unit of the SFPD at San Francisco’s Hall of Justice, reach out to survivors. Through this contact, they can inform her of the continuum of services available through La Casa, connect her with additional resources like Victim Services through the District Attorney’s office, and provide individualized support. While every case is different, victims often share with the advocates various fears following the police’s involvement, like fear of retaliation from their batterer, of the legal process, and of deportation if they are undocumented.
    “We try to give them as much information as possible to let them know that there is help, there are resources out there, and they are not alone. Working with different people, you get to know their individual stories and the different ways of helping someone, and you learn from each person. You never know what to expect, because we don’t turn anyone away.” -Lucia Ray-Guillen, DVRT Advocate
    Advocates talk with survivors to help provide comfort and shed light on daunting processes—like the steps a survivor can take to file a restraining order, or what it might be like if she is asked to testify against her batterer in court. In particular, for undocumented survivors the fear of deportation can be paramount and impede her desire to take action against her batterer. La Casa’s advocates provide information and reassurance related to the protections a survivor can expect within San Francisco, as a Sanctuary City, and as a victim of domestic violence—including the U-Visa, available to undocumented victims of domestic violence who choose to cooperate with law enforcement. The reassurance that Immigration isn’t going to come after a survivor because she reported domestic violence, and that she should feel safe to report in the future, can be helpful and empowering.
    La Casa’s DVRT advocates are located at San Francisco’s Hall of Justice, at 850 Bryant Street in Room 500, although they at times also meet with survivors at their homes or in the hospital following an incident. DVRT support can be accessed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year through La Casa’s Crisis Line at 1-877-503-1850.
    This entry was posted in Service Spotlight


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    Saturday, July 21, 2012

    July 21 2012 For Sisters Only

    Strategizing For Sisters Only Outreach?

    Our Streets Disciples are dedicated to helping our community

    Creating the gift bags filled with toiletries for the Sisters

    Ladies in Action

    We come together from all over the Bay Area to make this For Sisters Only event successful

    Posing till closing!  Always so helpful and sweet spirited!

    Our clothing donations

    Rev Harry Williams with our sister Elaine of Re-Generation church